How to calculate childcare time How to calculate childcare time Childcare hours are determined by the working hours of the worker. If you work for 8 hours, it will be 30 minutes twice for a total of 1 hour, and if you work for 4 hours, it will be 1 time for 30 minutes. Also, childcare time is different from break time. For example, the Labor Standards Act stipulates that employees who work more than 8 hours a day must take a break of at least 1 hour. Therefore, it is possible to take 30 minutes of childcare time after a 1-hour break. If you work 8 hours or more, you can apply for 30 minutes of childcare time twice.
Workers can freely choose whether to add up 30 minutes to 1 hour or divide them up. Keep in mind that it is up to the worker to choose whether to add up the 30 minutes to an hour or split them up. 3-1. Include round-trip time for childy mobile number list ucare Childcare time is not only time for breastfeeding, but also time for doing things necessary for raising children, so it includes picking up and dropping off children and preparing things necessary for raising children.
For example, if you start work at 9:00, you can take one hour off from 9:00 for childcare so that you can pick up and drop off your child with time to spare every morning. 4. Childcare hours when employment status and working hours are different Changes in childcare hours So far, I have explained childcare time using full-time workers as an example. However, female workers with children under the age of one may not work long hours in order to secure time for childcare. We will explain the childcare hours for "part-time workers", "workers with variable working hours" and "workers working reduced hours for childcare.